The VCL-2711, IEEE C37.94 over IP/MPLS / Ethernet / MPLS-TP Transmission Equipment is a ruggedized, robust and sub-station-hardened transmission equipment which converts and transmits up to two or four IEEE C37.94 Interfaces over an IP/MPLS / Ethernet / MPLS-TP link with “SDH / SONET like” performance. The far-end VCL-2711 unit receives the Ethernet data stream and re-converts it back to the IEEE C37.94 Interfaces. The VCL-2711 units must be always used in pairs, with one unit installed on each end of the Ethernet / IP / MPLS link.
The VCL-2711, IEEE C37.94 over IP/MPLS / Ethernet / MPLS-TP equipment can be used in a point-to-point, or a point-to-multipoint topology with absolutely no bit-errors and almost “zero” jitter or wander due to its integrated GPS (ITU-T G.811) compliant Primary Reference Clock and IEEE 1588v2 PTP Slave clock synchronization options.
The most common application of the VCL-2711, IEEE C37.94 over IP/MPLS / Ethernet / MPLS-TP Transmission Equipment is to transmit the existing C37.94 multi-mode interfaces over an Ethernet / IP / MPLS transmission network. The equipment is designed to enable sub-stations to seamlessly migrate from SDH / SONET transmission networks to more efficient IP / MPLS transmission networks without incurring a large capex or the tiresome task of having to replace and rewire the existing C37.94 Relays which need to be interconnected to the far-end substations over Ethernet / IP / MPLS transmission links.
Features and Highlights
C37.94 Interface Specifications:
Application: The VCL-2711, IEEE C37.94 over IP/MPLS / Ethernet / MPLS-TP Transmission Equipment is designed to enable sub-stations to seamlessly migrate from SDH / SONET transmission networks to more efficient IP / MPLS transmission networks without incurring large capex, or requiring the tiresome task of having to replace and rewire the existing C37.94 Relays which need to be inter-connected to the far end substations over Ethernet / IP / MPLS transmission links.
By installing the VCL-2711, the existing inter-connected IEEE C37.94 Protection Relays can be migrated from
SDH / SONET to IP/MPLS / Ethernet / MPLS-TP transmission networks with no degradation in the reliability or the dependability of the C37.94 interfaces.
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